Iam Music Player
It is a mod that adds a boombox that can play music in Minecraft!
Feli&Null Server
Feli&Null Server
It is a mod that adds a boombox that can play music in Minecraft!
GitHub - TeamFelnull/FelNullGDLauncher: FelNullGDLauncherはGDLauncherを日本語訳して独自カスタマイズした新しいMinecraftランチャーです。Modpackのマルチスレッドダウンロードへの対応やCPUへの負担が低くかなり使いやすくなっています。
Table of Contents (click to expand) GDLauncher is a custom open-source Minecraft launcher written from the ground up in electron/react. Its main goal is to make it easy and enjoyable to manage different Minecraft versions and install forge/fabric, bringing the playing and modding experience to the next level!